Hill's Tap F.A.Q.
Answers to Questions I Get Asked A Lot
Q: How late are you open?
A: Midnight during the week. 1:00 on the weekends.
Q: Why aren't you open on Sunday?
A: I don't want to work on Sunday.
Q: Doesn't this get old night after night?
A: Do you jump out of bed in the morning and say to
yourself, "Hell yes, I get to go to work today?"
Everything gets old. But you gotta do something, and
selling beer ain't a bad gig.
Q: Do you make a lot of money owning a bar?
A: No. I have a wife with a good job.
Q: Can I really get a drink for two bucks?
A: Yep. As long as you don't ask me to mix you Crown and
Coke or Absolut and Monster. And for the record, I will
always refuse, on principle alone, to mix Crown Royal
and Coke.
Q: Why so cheap?
A: This place has been paid for since 1972. We make a
decent living and don't drain your pockets in 45 minutes.
People go where people are, and we're happy when you
choose our bar to kill some time or to get your head
straight with the world.